Usage: C-8051 {} {}
Sourcefile: 'C' source file with default extension: .c
Environment: QCC8051
Options (specified order is of no importance):
-o file Put object on: <.r03>
-Oprefix Put object on: <.r03>
-b Make object a library module
-P Generate PROMable code
-g{OA} Enable global typecheck
O: Disable object code type-info
A: Depreciate K&R-style functions
-mt Select memory model: tiny (default)
-ms Select memory model: small
-mc Select memory model: compact
-mm Select memory model: medium
-ml Select memory model: large
-mb Select memory model: banked
-u Funtion return stack expansion
-w Disable warnings
-s Optimize for speed
-z Optimize for size
-y Put "strings" into variable section
-c Make plain 'char' = 'signed char'
-e Enable processor dependent extensions
-f file Extend command line with <.xcl>
-r{012in} Enable debugger output in object
012: Select debug model (0 default)
i: Enable #include file source
n: No source code option
-l file Generate a list on: <.lst>
-Lprefix Generate a list on: <.lst>
-tn Set tab spacing between 2 and 9 (default 8)
-x{DFT2} Generate cross-reference list
D: Show all #defines, F: Show all functions
T: Show all typedefs, 2: Dual line space listing
-q Put mnemonics in the list
-T List 'active' lines only (#if etc. true)
-i List #included files
-pnn Page listing with 'nn' lines/page (10-150)
-l file Generate a list on: <.lst>
-Lprefix Generate a list on: <.lst>
-tn Set tab spacing between 2 and 9 (default 8)
-x{DFT2} Generate cross-reference list
D: Show all #defines, F: Show all functions
T: Show all typedefs, 2: Dual line space listing
-q Put mnemonics in the list
-T List 'active' lines only (#if etc. true)
-i List #included files
-pnn Page listing with 'nn' lines/page (10-150)
-F Generate formfeed after each listed function
-a file Generate ASM on: <.s03>
-Aprefix Generate ASM on: <.s03>
-Hname Set object module header = 'name'
-Rname Set code segment = 'name'
-DSYMB Equivalent to: #define SYMB 1
-DSYMB=xx Equivalent to: #define SYMB xx
-USYMB Equivalent to: #undef SYMB
-Iprefix Add #include search prefix
-G Open standard input as source
-S Silent operation of compiler
-C Enable nested comments